IMARA - 2013
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Prof. Plamen PETROV : professor at the Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria). He has been an invited professor at Inria from June to September 2013. During this period he made joint research on intelligent adaptive control applied to vehicle manoeuvring (automated parking and assisted overtaking).

  • Satoshi MATSUURA : He has been a Visiting Professor from NAIST (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan). Until March 2013, he has been working in the area of telecommunications applied to ITS. He was also the initiator of the signed MoU between NAIST and IMARA.

  • M. Kenta Mori : he was an intern from NAIST, working in the field of telecommunications applied to ITS applications, under the supervision of Mrs. Oyunchimeg Shagdar.

  • M. José Javier Anaya Catala : he was an intern from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, Spain). He developed a vehicle-to-pedestrian communication protocole using WiFi devices.

  • Miss Oriana Rojas-Michelena : she was an intern from Simón Bolìvar University and she developed an on-board vehicle controller dedicated to the management of the approach of traffic lights.

  • M. Ray Lattarulo Arias : he was an intern from Simón Bolìvar University (Venezuela). He developed a fuzzy controller to follow Bezier-like trajectories executed by a cybercar.

  • Ernest Creiser : he was an intern from ENSAE ParisTech / Univ. Paris Dauphine. He worked on the development of man-machine interfaces dedicated to the EU-FURBOT project.

  • Mohamed Maddouri : he was intern from Télécom SudParis and he developed a tool dedicated to the calibration of a laser-camera set used in a moving vehicle.